In Robert Bolt’s play, A Man for All Seasons, Thomas More is put on trial for his life and Richard Rich, a former colleague, testifies against him. More becomes aware that Rich has betrayed him in return for appointment as Attorney General for Wales and says:
“Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world… but for Wales?”
Of late a good many public servants have been betraying themselves and their constituents often for much less than that. The recent melodrama in New York State is simply the latest in a series of incidents in which public servants have failed significantly to uphold the office to which they were elected. I list below five recent instances of scandalous behavior by elected officials. See whether you can match the offense with the consequence.
1. Senator – involved with call girls
2. Governor – accepted a free hot tub from a contractor
3. Governor – paid for prostitutes with laundered money
4. President – lied about sexual misbehavior
5. President – authorized torture of prisoners
A. Forced to resigned; served a jail term
B. Impeached but not convicted
C. Apologized to colleagues and continues to serve
D. Made no apology and continues to serve
E. Forced to resign
[Answers: e3, d5, c1, b4, a2.]
“My object all sublime,” sings the Mikado in the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta of the same name, “is to make the punishment fit the crime.” Seems to me we have a long way to go!