Radishes are my current problem. I’m looking for help.
My garden, like Gaul, is always initially divided into three parts: one section for corn, one for peas, and one for potatoes. Everything else gets tucked into the corners. When the green peas mature in early July, I pick them and put them in the freezer for future reference. Then I have the opportunity to grow something else.
There’s time to grow another crop of green peas because an early frost won’t bother them in the fall any more than a late frost bothers them in the spring. So I planted some green peas and some snow peas and some out-of-date broccoli seed. Unsure about the viability of the broccoli seed, I planted radishes to mark the row. It’s a trick often used in the spring to mark a row of carrots since radishes come up fast and carrots don’t. You can pull the radishes when they’re mature and let the carrots take over.
Well, the broccoli seed needed marking. Eventually three or four came up but they won’t mature before frost. But the radishes flourished. I had other things to do so I let them go and when I finally went to look at them – I had beets! Here’s the picture. The biggest is the size of a tennis ball (as illustrated).
But what do you do with a crop of outsized radishes? I went on line to look for radish recipes. You can make zucchini bread with extra zucchini and carrot muffins with extra carrots. We have a family recipe for extra zucchini and tomatoes and onions know as “kalusapati” – variously spelled. Why hasn’t someone invented radish loaf or radish muffins or some kind of radish compote?
So what have you always done with extra radishes? Surely someone out there has the perfect answer. I look forward to learning it.
I add radishes to vegetable soups. A Russian cold soup “Okroshka” variously spelled-very thinly sliced; also whole or in chunks for other soups or stews of a more hearty nature.
soup sounds like the best option. Since I’m not a big radish fan myself I’m afraid I can’t help further. Could you throw them at raccoons to discourage them from eating other things in the garden? There are potato guns for flinging potatoes long distances; perhaps radishes would work, too. (here’s a link for potato guns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVDHIGaUxCk)