An open letter to:
The Hon. Richard Blumenthal
706 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Blumenthal,
For personal reasons I have been compelled to move to California, but for many years I lived in Sharon, in the northwest corner of Connecticut, and took a special interest in those who represented me in Washington. I pitched in when Democrats ran for office and even made phone calls and house calls on their behalf. I paid attention to your statements and mailings and generally liked what I saw. But over time, I began to be weary of your constant refrain about “fighting” for me and for various causes. It seemed to me that too much fighting was going on in Washington and “working” for your constituents might be a more constructive word choice.
One day I was invited to a gathering at which you were present and in the milling about our paths crossed and I told you what I thought about your word choice. You dismissed me with a curt rejoinder to the effect that that was your way of speaking, and turned your back on me.
I notice that the biographical statement on your web site uses the words “fight,” “fighting,” and (twice) “fought.” Once, it says that you “worked relentlessly.”
In view of recent events, I wonder whether you might reconsider. Even as I write, a trial is about to begin of a former president who called on his supporters to “fight like hell,” with consequences that we all know.
You have shown leadership on a number of issues over the years and won the respect of many. Why not now show leadership in a vital effort to change the climate in Washington? Words matter and your choice of words could make a real difference.
Yours truly,
Christopher L. Webber
cc. The Lakeville Journal
The Hartford Courier